THK Investments LLC Rental Application


    THK Investments LLC asks all of it's applicants to fill out an application prior to viewing a rental. This application will cost $45 and must be paid in order for the application to be considered valid. The applicant will automatically be redirected to a new screen after submitting this application to pay the $45. All sensitive information will be immediately destroyed after credit and background checks are performed.

    Applicant information:

    Your Full Name:

    Your Birth Date:

    Your Social Security Number:

    Your Email (required)

    Your Phone Number (required)

    All Other Potential Occupants:

    Current Residence Info:

    Address (required)

    Monthly Rent:

    Months at Current Address:

    Reason for moving:

    Owner's/Manager's Name and Number:

    Previous Residence Info:


    Monthly Rent:

    Months at the Address:

    Reason for moving:

    Owner's/Manager's Name and Number:

    Current Employment

    Company Name:

    Your Job Description:

    Months Employed:

    Employer's Phone:

    Supervisor's Name:

    Previous Employer

    Company Name:

    Your Job Description:

    Months Employed:

    Employer's Phone:

    Supervisor's Name:

    Credit History

    Balance of Checking and Savings Accounts:

    Unpaid Balance of Credit Cards:

    Balance on Vehicle Loans:

    Additional Debts:

    Is there anything negative in your credit or background check you think will come up that you want to comment on?


    Name, Number, and Relationship of References:

    General Information

    Have you ever been late or delinquent on rent? (required)

    Have you ever been party to a lawsuit? (required)

    Do you smoke? (required)

    Do you have any pets? (required)

    If you answered "yes" to any of the above questions then please explain:

    Is there any other information you think you should share with us about yourself?

    Agreement & Authorization

    By checking this box I verify that the statements in this application are true and correct. I authorize the use of the information and contacts provided to complete a credit, reference, and/or background check. I understand that false or lack of information may result in the rejection of this application. I also understand that this application will only be considered if the $45 application fee is received (you'll be able to pay the fee after you submit this form).

    Please prove to us you are human by entering the letters or numbers as they appear below: